Xia Cui

Xia = Summer

About Xia

Xia is a Lecturer in Software Engineering at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Previously, she completed a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project to develop an AI-powered system to detect speaker's vulnerability indicators in the telephone conversations with the University of Manchester and VoiceIQ Ltd. She received PhD in Computer Science from the University of Liverpool in 2020, MSc in Web Science and Big Data Analytics from the University College London in 2015, and BSc (Hons.) Internet Computing from the University of Liverpool in 2013. Her research interests include Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing and Machine Learning Applications. She recently started research in Cyberpsychology as a computer scientist.

'Xia' in Chinese means 'Summer' in English. Just for who is confused about the subtitle.^^


2016-2020: Ph.D Computer Science, University of Liverpool

2013-2015: MSc Web Science and Big Data Analytics, Univerisity College London

2010-2013: BSc(Hons.) Internet Computing, Univerisity of Liverpool